American Journal of Business and Management Research (AJBMR)

(ISSN Number(Print) - 2693-4108)
(ISSN Number(Online) - 2691-5103)



The manuscript should be accompanied by the following:

  1. An abstract of 150-200 words and should adequately describe the work and highlight its significance.
  2. Title of paper should be short, comprehensive and attractive .
  3. Keywords: Up to Five keywords or phrases to facilitate access and indexing should be included.
  4. A brief introduction (50-70 words) of the author/s describing current designation and affiliation, address for correspondence and email address etc.
    Whenever applicable, submissions must include the following elements: title, authors, affiliations, contacts, abstract, index terms, introduction, main text, conclusions, appendixes, acknowledgement, references, and biographies.
  5. The Manuscripts should not be more than 6500 words. The Manuscript should mention the time period in which the research was conducted.
  6. Manuscripts must be 1.5 spaced and with 1 inch margins in all sides ,Times new Roman font and should be in 12pt text and 14pt heading. All tables, charts, and graphs should be genuine and clearly demonstrated.
  7. Wherever necessary, the source should be indicated at the bottom accompanied by an asterik.
  8. The number and the complexity of exhibits should be as low as possible. All figures should be indicated in million and billion. Endnotes, italics, and quotation marks should be kept to the minimum.
  9. Reference: APA style to be followed
    Ex: Michaels, P. J., & Balling, R. C., Jr. (2000). The satanic gases: Clearing the air about global warming. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.
    In-text reference: (Michaels & Balling, 2000)
    Journal/ Magazine reference :
    Allen, L. (2004, August). Will Tuvalu disappear beneath the sea? Global warming threatens to swamp a small island nation. Smithsonian, 35(5), 44-52
  10. Authors are advised to go through plagiarism checker before submission of their manuscript.